Market Report 5-3-23

Image of a cow

Market Prices Report for 5-3-23   Headcount = 2013   Type Weight   Choice Cows   92-108 Canner-Cutter   85-92 Shelly Cows   84↓ Bred Cows   Up to $1500 Pairs   Up to $2050 Choice Bulls   132-141.50 Lower Grade   131↓ Steers up to 400# 225-284.50 Steers 400-500# 244-278 Steers 500-600# 219-268.50 Steers […]

Market Report 4-26-23

Image of a cow

Market Prices Report for 4-26-23   Headcount = 2268   Type Weight   Choice Cows   94-108 Canner-Cutter   80-93 Shelly Cows   79↓ Bred Cows   Up to $1580 Pairs   Up to $2150 Choice Bulls   122-138 Lower Grade   121↓ Steers up to 400# 221-283 Steers 400-500# 235-280.50 Steers 500-600# 230-269 Steers […]